I’ve been waiting for opportunite moment to jump into the v2 and I suppose that is now. A quick helpful hint: set the defaults
az configure --defaults group='current-rg'
az configure --defaults workspace='current-ws'
To setup a a custom environment you can run
az ml environment create --file basic.env.yml
the yaml looks like this
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/environment.schema.json
name: basic-env-scikit
version: 1
image: mcr.microsoft.com/azureml/openmpi3.1.2-ubuntu18.04
conda_file: file:conda-envs/basic-env-ml.yml
And the conda env like this:
name: basic-env-ml
- conda-forge
- python=3.8
- pip
- pip:
- numpy
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- azureml-mlflow