Docker cert
- Spent most of the morning going through kodekloud docker cert course, fantastic stuff!
- Then checked a bit on Jira/Scrum to see how I might put my personal projects as 1 month scrum projects (might be braindead idea but will check)
- Now going through a VS code tut: Was thinking of whether to try the PyCharm toolings, but now that I use Docker and especially K8S etc so much, VS code seems to have a better integrations
VS Code hints
- Control palette
- normally ctrl+p, but with my emacs keys its ctrl+shif+p (ctrl+p i use for navigating)
- @ symbol magic:
- @ magic also with ctrl+shift+. for current file
- # magic :
- Multiline editing with alt+click
Other stuff
MLrun looks amazing!
Yet another lecture on topic by Iguazio this time : MLOps NYC: Building a Real-Time ML Pipeline with a Feature Store
nice list of technologies to master: