git ls-tree HEAD
git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate
I’m using WSL in Windows Terminal. There is a nice little prompt style implemented in go:
With it I can configure the (git) prompt as so:
And there are a ton of other options:
Usage of powerline-go:
Show the older, original icon for SSH connections
Colorize the hostname based on a hash of itself, or use the PLGO_HOSTNAMEFG and PLGO_HOSTNAMEBG env vars (both need to be set).
Remove spacing between segments
-cwd-max-depth int
Maximum number of directories to show in path
(default 5)
-cwd-max-dir-size int
Maximum number of letters displayed for each directory in the path
(default -1)
-cwd-mode string
How to display the current directory
(valid choices: fancy, semifancy, plain, dironly)
(default "fancy")
-duration string
The elapsed clock-time of the previous command
-duration-min string
The minimal time a command has to take before the duration segment is shown (default "0")
Use East Asian Ambiguous Widths
-error int
Exit code of previously executed command
Output prompt in 'eval' format.
-git-assume-unchanged-size int
Disable checking for changed/edited files in git repositories where the index is larger than this size (in KB), improves performance (default 2048)
-git-disable-stats string
Comma-separated list to disable individual git statuses
(valid choices: ahead, behind, staged, notStaged, untracked, conflicted, stashed)
-git-mode string
How to display git status
(valid choices: fancy, compact, simple)
(default "fancy")
Show hostname only for SSH connections
-ignore-repos string
A list of git repos to ignore. Separate with ','.
Repos are identified by their root directory.
Ignores all warnings regarding unset or broken variables
-jobs int
Number of jobs currently running
-max-width int
Maximum width of the shell that the prompt may use, in percent. Setting this to 0 disables the shrinking subsystem.
-mode string
The characters used to make separators between segments.
(valid choices: patched, compatible, flat)
(default "patched")
-modules string
The list of modules to load, separated by ','
(valid choices: aws, bzr, cwd, direnv, docker, docker-context, dotenv, duration, exit, fossil, gcp, git, gitlite, goenv, hg, host, jobs, kube, load, newline, nix-shell, node, perlbrew, perms, plenv, rbenv, root, rvm, shell-var, shenv, ssh, svn, termtitle, terraform-workspace, time, user, venv, vgo, vi-mode, wsl)
Unrecognized modules will be invoked as 'powerline-go-MODULE' executable plugins and should output a (possibly empty) list of JSON objects that unmarshal to powerline-go's Segment structs.
(default "venv,user,host,ssh,cwd,perms,git,hg,jobs,exit,root")
-modules-right string
The list of modules to load anchored to the right, for shells that support it, separated by ','
(valid choices: aws, bzr, cwd, direnv, docker, docker-context, dotenv, duration, exit, fossil, gcp, git, gitlite, goenv, hg, host, jobs, kube, load, newline, nix-shell, node, perlbrew, perms, plenv, rbenv, root, rvm, shell-var, shenv, ssh, svn, termtitle, terraform-workspace, time, user, venv, vgo, wsl)
Unrecognized modules will be invoked as 'powerline-go-MODULE' executable plugins and should output a (possibly empty) list of JSON objects that unmarshal to powerline-go's Segment structs.
Show the prompt on a new line
Shows numeric exit codes for errors.
-path-aliases string
One or more aliases from a path to a short name. Separate with ','.
An alias maps a path like foo/bar/baz to a short name like FBB.
Specify these as key/value pairs like foo/bar/baz=FBB.
Use '~' for your home dir. You may need to escape this character to avoid shell substitution.
-priority string
Segments sorted by priority, if not enough space exists, the least priorized segments are removed first. Separate with ','
(valid choices: aws, bzr, cwd, direnv, docker, docker-context, dotenv, duration, exit, fossil, gcp, git, gitlite, goenv, hg, host, jobs, kube, load, newline, nix-shell, node, perlbrew, perms, plenv, rbenv, root, rvm, shell-var, shenv, ssh, svn, termtitle, terraform-workspace, time, user, venv, vgo, vi-mode, wsl)
(default "root,cwd,user,host,ssh,perms,git-branch,git-status,hg,jobs,exit,cwd-path")
-shell string
Set this to your shell type
(valid choices: autodetect, bare, bash, zsh)
(default "autodetect")
-shell-var string
A shell variable to add to the segments.
Disables warning for empty shell variable.
Shortens names for EKS Kube clusters.
Shortens names for GKE Kube clusters.
Always show the prompt indicator with the default color, never with the error color
-theme string
Set this to the theme you want to use
(valid choices: default, low-contrast, gruvbox, solarized-dark16, solarized-light16)
(default "default")
Trim the Domainname from the AD username.
-truncate-segment-width int
Maximum width of a segment, segments longer than this will be shortened if space is limited. Setting this to 0 disables it.
(default 16)
-venv-name-size-limit int
Show indicator instead of virtualenv name if name is longer than this limit (defaults to 0, which is unlimited)
-vi-mode string
The current vi-mode (eg. KEYMAP for zsh) for vi-module module
git stash list
git stash show -p stash@{0}
# another example
git stash save "changed something"
#then either
git stash pop
# or
git stash apply # and you can put the stash name/number here stash@{4} etc.
# you can clear stash with
git stash pop
git stash clear
git stash drop
origin/master is actually a branch on local git
Fetch modified origin/master locally, but not the local master
in reality there are no full branches, just pointers:
# Check difference between local master and (local tracking) origin/master
git diff --color-words origin/master..master
Git studies continue on dedicated page: Git time!](../_pages/