I started the weekend by cleaning up my GTD lists and also starting to graph a mindmap on all the different tracks.
I’ve setup a dev env in my centos server and i’m now playing around how to use MLflow in docker containers following a packt book on the topic (Machine Learning Engineering with MLflow) I’m gathering my study notes on my MLflow page here: MLflow studies
I’m also exploring the remote work capabilities of VS Code. I’ve got a ssh connection to the centos box in my living room, and I can also use the remote ipython kernels while running notebooks on this local IDE. I must say I’m quite impressed how well it works so far. It can get bit confusing as now that I’m using ssh connection to the linux box, when connecting to “remote ipykernel” I actually have to use localhost for the linux box. Also I’m still trying to figure out how to set the remote notebook working dir in VS Code.
Also the github example configurations are using ipykernel 5 so no line-by-line debugging.
Unfortunately the packt course material seems to be bit out of date and I’ve had to go manually fiddle with the makefiles and dockerfiles, but its a good exercise as well, i suppose. Soon I’ll made my own version with the cookiecutter docker thing.
I usually set the IP of my local linux server into my windows hosts file for quick ssh etc. Today I noticed that it had been commented out, along with some other entries for Docker. I uncommented them, but 1 hours later found them commented again! I got bit panicky about what/who is fiddling with my hosts file. To figure it out I use the Microsoft tool Process Monitor to see what processes had accesses that file. It turned out be the new antivirus package (bitdefender) that I installed earlier. It has a “default” setting that it overrides the hosts file without asking you ….
Anyway, at least the hosts scanning could be disabled and all is back to normal.
Above we can see that process monitor knows I’m editing the hosts file.