Vim and VS code

CTRL-SHIFT-P : open command palette
CTRL-P : Go to file

f{character} allows quicly to move to the next instance of {character} q{character} moves to just before the character

After using “f”, ; and , to navigate back and forth /{pattern} to search forwards ?{pattern} to search backwards

n repeats the search

Vim operators

Text objects

Text objects are structured pieces of text. You can use a or i.

Test objects:

w == Word s == Sentence p == paragraph b( == Block surrounded by () B{ == block surrounded by{}

const suh = “saa”

The dot command (.) repeats last change

Visual Mode

v == Visual mode - character V == Visual mode - linewise

== block carrot lettuce abbage carrot lettuce carrot kale kale ### Registers! store this sentence s